Posts tagged boudoir
Flower Mini Sessions

Flower Mini Sessions-Boudoir


"Flowers" mini session is a type of boudoir mini session for women to hold flowers in front of their chest. I got the inspiration from Mileys new song "flowers". If you are going through something and need an uplift or you just want some cool looking photos, this is for you!

5 Reasons To Book A Bridal Boudoir

Bridal Boudoir needs to be announced to the world just a little bit more. Maybe the bride is so overwhelmed with everything else that goes into a wedding that doing something for herself or creating an amazing gift for her future husband is not on the top of her list. We want to remind all the brides that this is a great gift and an amazing experience for them. I believe that all brides deserve to have a bridal boudoir shoot. WHY….
Take a look at these 5 reasons.

  1. Celebrate Your Beauty

Bridal boudoir sessions are a great way to celebrate your beauty. It will lift up your spirits and make you feel amazing seeing yourself in the images. It’s such an empowering experience. What ever your age, shape, color, booking a bridal boudoir is a really special gift to yourself that you will love for decades to come.

2. Gives you “You Time”

The experience factor. When you are all stressed out from other wedding planning and every day life, a boudoir sessions can take you away from all of that chaos for a short while. It’s all about you and you will realize that its enjoyable and relaxing. With the right photographer, you will be calm, and start enjoying your time quickly.

3. Perfect Gift For Your Future Husband

In addition to being a special gift for yourself, your bridal boudoir is a special gift for your fiancé. You can give him a beautiful album, book, or prints. You can even make a slideshow of your images for him to watch the day of your wedding. Professional boudoir products will last a lifetime and you can enjoy them together.

4. Brave & Bold

I can not tell you how many times a client has told me how scary the whole process seems to them. They have expressed their fears, insecurities, and nerves to me. They end up feeling like a rock star 10 minutes into their session. Once you warm up, you will really feel brave and bold. It’s an amazing feeling that all woman should experience.

5. Reminiscing Later

Have you ever seen someone in their 70s or 80s smile at the thought of how they looked in their 20s or 30s?
It’s incredible. I know that we all secretly hope science will find a way to keep us looking young forever, but we will look and feel older as we age. Having these bridal boudoir images will preserve those memories of how you looked and felt in your prime. You will be glad to have that.

Celebrate Weight-loss With Boudoir

Everyone has goals. Whether it’s just to tone, or loses a ton of weight. Let’s Celebrate that WIN! I know personally that losing weight and having control of your body is super hard. I go up and down the scale and can never get to the weight I would like to be at. I think it’s one of the hardest things to keep up on and that’s topping the whole paying bills on time thing…

Today, I would love to share some images from a recent session. This lady contacted me about booking a boudoir after she lost 150 lbs. She was SO nervous.


I believe that having a makeup girl in the studio helps calm their nerves a little bit because she talks to my clients the whole time. They carry on conversations that keep their mind at ease. They see themselves all GLAM’D UP, and say, let’s DO THIS!


I almost ALWAYS start my client on the bed, on their belly. It lets them get comfortable, it hides anything they may feel self conscious of, and they don’t have to do much.


This image was said to be her favorite from the whole shoot! The chair poses have been a huge hit lately. My clients have a chance to feel empowered in the chair and it also hides some things as well.


We ended the shoot with nothing but a blanket. I noticed as we went on, she became STRONG, and FEARLESS. She left feeling like a model and that Is my ultimate goal. Celebrate your journey through the experience that will leave you feeling like a goddess! <3

What To Wear For Your Boudoir Session

One of the FAQ’s I get is “What do I wear?” or “What should I bring”….
I am going to go in to detail with what you should wear for your boudoir session and things that I have found to be not so flattering. You might have everything you need right in your closet or you might have to shop around a little bit. It is OKAY to buy all new things… but why bother if its already in your closet.

First thing, boudoir and being sexy doesn't always mean little to no clothing... some of my clients favorite shots are portraits, or shots in jeans and button-downs!  Clothing, lingerie, or implied nudity can all work. Plan your boudoir outfits around your comfort level.  And don't wait till the night before to start trying to bring it all together.


One simple idea is starting the session wearing a cocktail, or other fitted dress.   Paired with some great heels...what's not to like? A tight dress is great to bring along.  How many great photos do you have of yourself?  Not many, huh?  Not only is taking a few shots "clothed" at the start of your session fun, but its a great way to "ease" into your boudoir session, and to get a chance to get used to taking photos-- before you have to start baring it all. They're also great for sharing and for online use. 


Keep it simple.  Some of my favorite all time photos are shots in a button down shirt and a pair of jeans.  Jeans can be used a hundred ways in a boudoir session-- and all of them cute.  Paired with a bra, or photographed slightly unbuttoned. A simple white tank top can be the hottest thing you own.  Don't forget sheer tops, pajamas, pajama bottoms paired with a bra.  

 If you are doing your photos as a gift:  His tie, sports jersey, or uniform.  One of the most popular looks is a mans white button down shirt.  It may be big on you, but it's still cute.    


 Bra sets are probably the "must have" boudoir outfit of any session.  Who doesn't own lots?  Bring your favorites, or pick up something new.  Opt for lacy, and leave your t-shirt bras & casuals at home.


Not every woman is a lingerie person.  The great thing about a boudoir shoot is that its your chance to dress up.  A lot of lingerie may not really be practical for every day wear, but hey, your boudoir session is made for these items.

 That corset you bought for that special occasion?  Now is the time to break it out of the closet.  The same for garters and stockings.  A vintage slip or cami to keep it demure.  They all incorporate really well in a boudoir shoot.  As you know, lingerie can range from demure to sultry, and can lead to some undoubtedly sexy photos.  So bring what suits your mood!


I am a big fan of vintage.  I really need to start making a collection to share for shoots.  If you have anything vintage... please bring it.  A vintage slip or cami.  Tulle skirts.  Sheers-  such as bed shirts.  It's all very romantic, and although you may not be walking around wearing sheer as daily routine, it seems to be one of those things that works in photos.  If you're into retro lingerie now's your chance to shine.


Accessories are important! IDEAS:  stilettos, thigh high boots,  Scarves,  Jewelry,  Pearls,  Fishnet stockings,  Thigh highs,  Garters,  Necklaces. Please bring a few long necklaces.  They are a must.    


Lots of women like to shoot photos "under the sheets" to give the look of "implied" nudity.  If you are planning on shooting in this fashion, please bring a nude g-string if you are not comfortable being nude.  It can be removed in editing and will give you the appearance of being nude in your "under the sheets" shots.

 Please removes tags from your underwear and lingerie.  Tags are not sexy. Nowadays it seems some tags are even larger than the lingerie to which they are attached!  Be mindful of tags.
Get your nails done before your shoot.
 Big white patches under your arms are definitely not a good look (and not easy for me to fix.)
Don't overdo it with tanning.  Sunburn is not a good look, and cannot be fixed.
Do not wear any body makeup, body powder or bronzers.  

Valentines Boudoir Sessions

This year do something extra special. Get your significant other a gift containing YOU and your beauty.
Valentines boudoir sessions are extra special. They not only help you become the confident women you seek to be, but you get to give a special gift that we hope will make the rest of your day/evening mind blowing. These sessions can also convert to a couple session if your love will participate! (bribe him) We can make it happen. For more information on these sessions and to book one up before its too late…

Click Here
